Results for 'William J. Fielding'

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  1.  7
    The Caveman Within Us: His Peculiarities and Powers: How We Can Enlist His Aid for Health.William J. Fielding - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Domestic Violence and Dog Care in New Providence, The Bahamas.William J. Fielding - 2010 - Society and Animals 18 (2):183-203.
    Although there has been much research on the connection between nonhuman animal cruelty/ abuse and domestic violence, the link between nonhuman animal care and domestic violence has received less attention. This study, based on responses from 477 college students in New Provi-dence, The Bahamas, indicates that the presence of domestic violence in homes is linked with the level of care and the prevalence of negative interactions with dogs. Dogs received 10 or more of 11 components of essential care in 58.0% (...)
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  3. Edge Modes and Dressing Fields for the Newton–Cartan Quantum Hall Effect.William J. Wolf, James Read & Nicholas J. Teh - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-24.
    It is now well-known that Newton–Cartan theory is the correct geometrical setting for modelling the quantum Hall effect. In addition, in recent years edge modes for the Newton–Cartan quantum Hall effect have been derived. However, the existence of these edge modes has, as of yet, been derived using only orthodox methodologies involving the breaking of gauge-invariance; it would be preferable to derive the existence of such edge modes in a gauge-invariant manner. In this article, we employ recent work by Donnelly (...)
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    The effects of uniform field flicker and blurring on the global precedence effect.William J. Lovegrove, Stephen Lehmkuhle, John A. Baro & And Ralph Garzia - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (4):289-291.
  5. Indeterminate Oughts.J. Robert G. Williams - 2017 - Ethics 127 (3):645-673.
    Sometimes it is indeterminate what an agent morally ought do. This generates a Decision Ought Challenge—to give moral guidance to agents in such a scenario. This article is a field guide to the options for a theory of the decision ought for cases of indeterminacy. Three categories of view are evaluated, and the best representative for each is identified.
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    Underdetermination in classic and modern tests of general relativity.William J. Wolf, Marco Sanchioni & James Read - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-41.
    Canonically, ‘classic’ tests of general relativity (GR) include perihelion precession, the bending of light around stars, and gravitational redshift; ‘modern’ tests have to do with, _inter alia_, relativistic time delay, equivalence principle tests, gravitational lensing, strong field gravity, and gravitational waves. The orthodoxy is that both classic and modern tests of GR afford experimental confirmation of that theory _in particular_. In this article, we question this orthodoxy, by showing there are classes of both relativistic theories (with spatiotemporal geometrical properties different (...)
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  7. Unsolvable Problems and Philosophical Progress.William J. Rapaport - 1982 - American Philosophical Quarterly 19 (4):289 - 298.
    Philosophy has been characterized (e.g., by Benson Mates) as a field whose problems are unsolvable. This has often been taken to mean that there can be no progress in philosophy as there is in mathematics or science. The nature of problems and solutions is considered, and it is argued that solutions are always parts of theories, hence that acceptance of a solution requires commitment to a theory (as suggested by William Perry's scheme of cognitive development). Progress can be had (...)
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    Female access to fertile land and other inputs in Zambia: why women get lower yields.William J. Burke, Serena Li & Dingiswayo Banda - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (4):761-775.
    Throughout the developing world, it is a well-documented fact that women farmers tend to get lower yields than their male counterparts. Typically this is attributed to disproportionate access to high-quality inputs and labor, with some even arguing there could be a skills-gap stemming from unbalanced access to training and education. This article examines the gender-based yield gap in the context of Zambian maize producers. In addition to the usual drivers, we argue that Zambia’s patriarchal and multi-tiered land distribution system could (...)
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  9. The Oxford handbook of philosophy of religion.William J. Wainwright (ed.) - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The philosophy of religion as a distinct discipline is an innovation of the last two hundred years, but its central topics--the existence and nature of the divine, humankind's relation to it, the nature of religion and its place in human life--have been with us since the inception of philosophy. Philosophers have long critically examined the truth of (and rational justification for) religious claims, and have explored such philosophically interesting phenomena as faith, religious experience and the distinctive features of religious discourse. (...)
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  10.  17
    Socrates: Socratic method.William J. Prior (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    This four volume set is a collection of some of the most significant scholarship published on the philosophy of Socrates in the last half century. The contributors include many of the most prominent scholars in this field. As the growth in Socratic studies in the past three decades is due in large part to the influential work of Gregory Vlastos, articles by him figure prominently in the collection, and works by other authors are generally related to his work. The volumes (...)
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  11.  15
    Working on Mars: Voyages of Scientific Discovery with the Mars Exploration Rovers.William J. Clancey - 2012 - MIT Press.
    The MER created a virtual experience of being on Mars. This book examines how the MER has changed the nature of planetary field science.
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  12. Reference magnetism and the reduction of reference.J. R. G. Williams - manuscript
    *This work has turned into a bigger project, and some of it is published in "Lewis on reference".* Some things, argues Lewis, are just better candidates to be referents than others. Even at the cost of attributing false beliefs, we interpret people as referring to the most interesting kinds in their vicinity. How should this be accounted for? In section 1, I look at Lewis’s interpretationism, and the reference magnetism it builds in (not just for ‘perfectly natural’ properties, but for (...)
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    New conceptions of transcendence in the thought of the British idealists.William J. Mander - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (3):241-250.
    ABSTRACTBritish Idealism was the philosophical school which dominated during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Using the ideas of Bernard Bosanquet, John Caird and Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison as an illustration, this paper looks at some of the ways in which the British Idealists sought to develop new and more subtle conceptions of the transcendent, able to resist the corrosive effects of late nineteenth-century critical and naturalistic thinking. The paper concludes by looking at three fields – philosophy, theology and literature (...)
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  14.  69
    Response to reviews of the World Medical Association Medical Ethics Manual.J. R. Williams - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (3):164-165.
    There are many challenges to be met when writing an introductory treatise on an academic topic. The subject matter must be presented in a simple but not oversimplified manner. Enough theory must be included to ground the discussion of specific issues but not so much as to overwhelm or bore the readers. The text should be long enough to do justice to the subject matter but short enough to be readily accessible, especially for readers such as healthcare professionals, whose primary (...)
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    Reassessing the Epistemological Challenge to Mathematical Platonism.William J. Melanson - 2011 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 11 (3):295-304.
    In his Realism, Mathematics, and Modality, Hartry Field attempted to revitalize the epistemological case against mathematical platontism by challenging mathematical platonists to explain how we could be epistemically reliable with regard to the abstract objects of mathematics. Field suggested that the seeming impossibility of providing such an explanation tends to undermine belief in the existence of abstract mathematical objects regardless of whatever reason we have for believing in their existence. After more than two decades, Field’s explanatory challenge remains among the (...)
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  16.  6
    Patronizing the Public: American Philanthropy's Transformation of Culture, Communication, and the Humanities.William J. Buxton (ed.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Patronizing the Public is the first detailed and comprehensive examination of how American philanthropy has transformed culture, communication, and the humanities. Drawing on an impressive range of archival and secondary sources, the chapters in the volume shed light on philanthropic foundations have shaped numerous fields, including film, television, radio, journalism, drama, local history, museums, as well as art and the humanities in general.
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    Legal realism and human rights.William J. Novak - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (2):168-174.
    This essay uses Schmitt's work to cast new light on the relevance of the American legal tradition known as ‘legal realism’ for the history and analysis of human rights. It does so by exploring several of Schmitt's most famous criticisms of international law and human rights, and then suggests how they might correspond with a widespread critical legal tradition in the 1920s and 1930s. This essay describes in detail two fundamental features of this tradition: historicism and realism. It concludes by (...)
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    “Ever New Flights” of Creativity: Improvisation in South Indian Music.William J. Jackson - 2020 - Journal of Dharma Studies 3 (1):17-28.
    This inquiry explores the terms yogakshema, sampradaya, and manodharma sangita, as well as theories and practices of improvisation and innovation in music and other fields of Hindu culture. It considers the ways Hindu traditions play out the human contradiction—that life must always combine both old and new; the ways improvising is part of the Hindu frameworks in Vedic chanting, and the performance of ragas and other cultural activities in India. Both set patterns and nuanced interpretations in literary and musical works (...)
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    Knowledge-intensive systems in the social service agency: Anticipated impacts on the organisation. [REVIEW]William J. Ferns & Abbe Mowshowitz - 1995 - AI and Society 9 (2-3):161-183.
    Shrinking resources and the increasing complexity of clinical decisions are stimulating research in knowledge-intensive computer applications for the delivery of social services. The expected benefits of knowledge-intensive applications such as expert systems include improvement in both the quality and the consistency of service delivery, augmentation of institutional memory, and reduced labour costs through greater reliance on paraprofessionals. This paper analyses the likely impacts of knowledge-intensive systems on social service organisations, drawing on trends in related service-delivery fields, and on known impacts (...)
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  20.  24
    The Daniel Experiment: Sitter Group Contributions with Field RNG and MESA Environmental Recordings.Mike Wilson, Bryan J. Williams, Timothy M. Harte & William J. Roll - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 24 (4).
    In an effort to further explore ostensible macroscopic psychokinesis (macro-PK) effects like those previously reported by Batcheldor (1966), Bourgeois (1994), Owen and Sparrow (1976), and Ullman (2001) in a sitter group setting, the first author designed and conducted a series of fifteen experimental sessions in which sitters claiming exceptional abilities attempted to generate a pseudo-spirit named "Daniel," to whom physical phenomena were attributed. To explore possible physical correlates of macro-PK, two approaches to measurement were utilized. In the first, sample data (...)
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  21.  67
    (7 other versions)Plato and His Dialogues. By G. Lowes Dickinson. (London: G. Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1931. Pp. 228. Price 6s.)Aristotle”s Psychology of Conduct. By A. K. Griffin, Ph.D. (London: Williams & Norgate Ltd. 1931. Pp. 186. Price 10s. 6d.)The Platonic Epistles. Translated with Introduction and Notes by J. Harwood. (London: Cambridge University Press. 1932. Pp. xii + 244. Price 15s.). [REVIEW]G. C. Field - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (28):491-.
  22.  66
    Ethics in Medicine: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Concerns.Stanley Joel Reiser, Mary B. Saltonstall Professor of Population Ethics Arthur J. Dyck, Arthur J. Dyck & William J. Curran - 1977 - Cambridge: Mass. : MIT Press.
    This book is a comprehensive and unique text and reference in medical ethics. By far the most inclusive set of primary documents and articles in the field ever published, it contains over 100 selections. Virtually all pieces appear in their entirety, and a significant number would be difficult to obtain elsewhere. The volume draws upon the literature of history, medicine, philosophical and religious ethics, economics, and sociology. A wide range of topics and issues are covered, such as law and medicine, (...)
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    Inclusive Legal Positivism.William H. Wilcox & W. J. Waluchow - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (1):133.
    Like many recent works in legal theory, especially those focusing on the apparently conflicting schools of legal positivism and natural law, Waluchow’s Inclusive Legal Positivism begins by admitting a degree of perplexity about the field; indeed, he suggests that the field has fallen into “chaos”. Disturbingly, those working within legal theory appear most uncertain about what the tasks of their field are. Legal philosophers often seem to suspect strongly that at least their colleagues in the field are confused about those (...)
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  24. Seeing Wittgenstein Anew.William Day & Víctor J. Krebs (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Seeing Wittgenstein Anew is the first collection to examine Ludwig Wittgenstein’s remarks on the concept of aspect-seeing. These essays show that aspect-seeing was not simply one more topic of investigation in Wittgenstein’s later writings, but, rather, that it was a pervasive and guiding concept in his efforts to turn philosophy’s attention to the actual conditions of our common life in language. Arranged in sections that highlight the pertinence of the aspect-seeing remarks to aesthetic and moral perception, self-knowledge, mind and consciousness, (...)
  25.  93
    (1 other version)Mind and Cognition: An Anthology.William G. Lycan & Jesse J. Prinz (eds.) - 1999 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    First published in 1990, Mind and Cognition: An Anthology is now firmly established as a popular teaching apparatus for upper level undergraduate and graduate courses in the philosophy of mind. Brings together the most important classic and contemporary articles in philosophy of mind and cognition Completely revised and updated throughout, in response to feedback from teachers in the field Now includes 20 new readings Each updated part opens with a brief, synoptic introduction to the individual field and a comprehensive further (...)
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  26.  13
    New Approaches to Monetary Economics: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics.William A. Barnett & Kenneth J. Singleton (eds.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    New Approaches to Monetary Economics brings together presentations of innovative research in the field of monetary economics. Much of this research develops and applies approaches to modelling financial intermediation, aggregate fluctuations, monetary aggregation and transactions-motivated monetary equilibrium. The contents of this volume comprise the proceedings of the second in a conference series entitled International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. This conference was held in 1985 at the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas at Austin. The symposia in this (...)
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    Strawberry Fields: Politics, Class, and Work in California Agriculture by Miriam J. Wells. [REVIEW]William H. Friedland - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (2):185-188.
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    Does Gender of Administrator Matter? National Study Explores U.S. University Administrators' Attitudes About Retaining Women Professors in STEM.Wendy M. Williams, Agrima Mahajan, Felix Thoemmes, Susan M. Barnett, Francoise Vermeylen, Brian M. Cash & Stephen J. Ceci - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:204041.
    Omnipresent calls for more women in university administration assume these women will prioritize using resources and power to increase female representation, especially in STEM fields where women are most underrepresented. However, empirical evidence is lacking for systematic differences in female versus male administrators’ attitudes. Do female administrators agree on which strategies are best, and do men see things differently? To answer this question, we explored United States college and university administrators’ opinions regarding policies, strategies, and structural changes in their organizations (...)
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    Deliberative Democracy and Pragma-Dialectics Related.Stephen J. Williams & Andrew Knops - 2024 - Topoi 43 (4):1309-1323.
    This paper adopts a pragma-dialectic approach to explore inclusion in real-world argumentation. Having outlined theories of deliberative democracy—focussing on Habermas’s discourse model—and pragma-dialectic methods for analysing argumentative exchanges in the real world, we then relate them. From this we identify the potential for using the enhanced detail of pragma-dialectic analysis to constructively understand dynamics of inclusion in the political decision processes of central concern to deliberative democratic theories.In the remainder of the article we illustrate this potential with our own pragma-dialectic (...)
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    Democratizing Visual Stylometry: Analysis of Artistic Style through Computational Workflows.William Seeley, Catherine A. Buell & Rickey J. Sethi - manuscript
    Visual stylometry is a new interdisciplinary research field that sits at the junction of digital humanities, empirical aesthetics, and computer science. Research in this field employs image analysis algorithms to study key aspects of artistic style. The nature of artistic style is the subject of ongoing debate within art history and philosophy of art. Computational and statistical methods in visual stylometry allow researchers to quantify and compare aspects of artistic style over the course of the career of an individual artist, (...)
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    What Is the Minimal Competency for a Clinical Ethics Consult Simulation? Setting a Standard for Use of the Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) Tool.Katherine Wasson, William H. Adams, Kenneth Berkowitz, Marion Danis, Arthur R. Derse, Mark G. Kuczewski, Michael McCarthy, Kayhan Parsi & Anita J. Tarzian - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (3):164-172.
    Background: The field of clinical ethics is examining ways of determining competency. The Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) tool offers a new approach that identifies a range of skills necessary in the conduct of clinical ethics consultation and provides a consistent framework for evaluating these skills. Through a training website, users learn to apply the ACES tool to clinical ethics consultants (CECs) in simulated ethics consultation videos. The aim is to recognize competent and incompetent clinical ethics consultation skills by watching (...)
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  32.  58
    You May Not Reap What You Sow: How Employees’ Moral Awareness Minimizes Ethical Leadership’s Positive Impact on Workplace Deviance.Kubilay Gok, John J. Sumanth, William H. Bommer, Ozgur Demirtas, Aykut Arslan, Jared Eberhard, Ali Ihsan Ozdemir & Ahmet Yigit - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (2):257-277.
    Although a growing body of research has shown the positive impact of ethical leadership on workplace deviance, questions remain as to whether its benefits are consistent across all situations. In this investigation, we explore an important boundary condition of ethical leadership by exploring how employees’ moral awareness may lessen the need for ethical leadership. Drawing on substitutes for leadership theory, we suggest that when individuals already possess a heightened level of moral awareness, ethical leadership’s role in reducing deviant actions may (...)
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  33.  14
    A Tribute to the Late William J. Curran.O. Lawrence & J. D. Gostin - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (3):274-275.
    In the summer of 1979, a group of experts on law, medicine, and ethics assembled in Siracusa, Sicily, under the auspices of the International Commission of Jurists and the International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Science, to draft guidelines on the rights of persons with mental illness. Sitting across the table from me was a quiet, proud man of distinctive intelligence, William J. Curran, Frances Glessner Lee Professor of Legal Medicine at Harvard University. Professor Curran was one of (...)
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  34.  22
    Reframing Participation in Postsecondary STEM Education With a Representation Metric.Brian L. Zuckerman, William E. J. Doane & Christopher K. Tokita - 2015 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 35 (5-6):125-133.
    Efforts aimed at broadening participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) require a holistic presentation of the state of racial and gender participation. Statistics currently used to describe participation often include raw counts of degrees and the percentages of demographic groups receiving STEM degrees. While these data provide insights into demographic trends, they do not present the complete picture because these “traditional” statistics do not capture how well a field of study reflects—or is proportionally similar to—a larger body, such (...)
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    “If you study, the last thing you want to be is working under the sun:” an analysis of perceptions of agricultural education and occupations in four countries.Kristal Jones, Rebecca J. Williams & Thomas B. Gill - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (1):15-25.
    Agriculture plays a key role in national economies and individual livelihoods in many developing countries, and yet agriculture as a field of study and an occupation remain under-emphasized in many educational systems. In addition, working in agriculture is often perceived as being less desirable than other fields, and not a viable or compelling option for students who have received a post-secondary education. This article explores the historical and contemporary perceptions of agriculture as a field of study and an occupation globally, (...)
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    Is tenure justified? An experimental study of faculty beliefs about tenure, promotion, and academic freedom.Stephen J. Ceci, Wendy M. Williams & Katrin Mueller-Johnson - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):553-569.
    The behavioral sciences have come under attack for writings and speech that affront sensitivities. At such times, academic freedom and tenure are invoked to forestall efforts to censure and terminate jobs. We review the history and controversy surrounding academic freedom and tenure, and explore their meaning across different fields, at different institutions, and at different ranks. In a multifactoral experimental survey, 1,004 randomly selected faculty members from top-ranked institutions were asked how colleagues would typically respond when confronted with dilemmas concerning (...)
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    Fitting Geomagnetic Fields before the Invention of Least Squares: II. William Whiston's Isoclinic Maps of Southern England (1719 and 1721). [REVIEW]Richard J. Howarth - 2003 - Annals of Science 60 (1):63-84.
    (2003). Fitting Geomagnetic Fields before the Invention of Least Squares: II. William Whiston's Isoclinic Maps of Southern England (1719 and 1721) Annals of Science: Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 63-84.
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    (1 other version)The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Religion.William Mann (ed.) - 2005 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Religion features fourteen new essays written by some of the most prominent philosophers working in the field. Contributors include Linda Zabzeski, Hugh McCann, Brian Leftow, Gareth B. Matthews, William L. Rowe, Elliott Sober, Derk Pereboom, Alfred J. Freddoso, William P. Alston, William J. Wainwright, Peter van Inwagen, Philip Kitcher and Philip Quinn. Features fourteen newly commissioned essays. Provides a comprehensive treatment of the major problems in the philosophy of religion. Surveys (...)
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  39. Making Sense of Humanity: And Other Philosophical Papers 1982–1993.Bernard Williams - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This new volume of philosophical papers by Bernard Williams is divided into three sections: the first Action, Freedom, Responsibility, the second Philosophy, Evolution and the Human Sciences; in which appears the essay which gives the collection its title; and the third Ethics, which contains essays closely related to his 1983 book Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy. Like the two earlier volumes of Williams's papers published by Cambridge University Press, Problems of the Self and Moral Luck, this volume will be (...)
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    Moral Acquaintances: Methodology in Bioethics.Kevin Wm Wildes, Rev Kevin S. J. Wildes & Kevin William Wildes - 2000
    The author of this text argues that the methodological issues in bioethics mirrors the experience of moral pluralism in a secular society. The different methods that have been used in the field reflect the different moral views found in a pluralistic society.
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    Making Sense of Humanity and Other Philosophical Papers.Bernard Williams - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    This new volume of philosophical papers by Bernard Williams is divided into three sections: the first Action, Freedom, Responsibility, the second Philosophy, Evolution and the Human Sciences; in which appears the essay which gives the collection its title; and the third Ethics, which contains essays closely related to his 1983 book Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy. Like the two earlier volumes of Williams's papers published by Cambridge University Press, Problems of the Self and Moral Luck, this volume will be (...)
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    Mapping collective behavior in the big-data era.R. Alexander Bentley, Michael J. O'Brien & William A. Brock - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):63-76.
    The behavioral sciences have flourished by studying how traditional and/or rational behavior has been governed throughout most of human history by relatively well-informed individual and social learning. In the online age, however, social phenomena can occur with unprecedented scale and unpredictability, and individuals have access to social connections never before possible. Similarly, behavioral scientists now have access to “big data” sets – those from Twitter and Facebook, for example – that did not exist a few years ago. Studies of human (...)
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    Looking beyond Popper: how philosophy can be relevant to ecology.Tina Heger, Alkistis Elliott-Graves, Marie I. Kaiser, Katie H. Morrow, William Bausman, Gregory P. Dietl, Carsten F. Dormann, David J. Gibson, James Griesemer, Yuval Itescu, Kurt Jax, Andrew M. Latimer, Chunlong Liu, Jostein Starrfelt, Philip A. Stephens & Jonathan M. Jeschke - 2025 - Oikos 2025 (2):e10994.
    Current workflows in academic ecology rarely allow an engagement of ecologists with philosophers, or with contemporary philosophical work. We argue that this is a missed opportunity for enriching ecological reasoning and practice, because many questions in ecology overlap with philosophical questions and with current topics in contemporary philosophy of science. One obstacle to a closer connection and collaboration between the fields is the limited awareness of scientists, including ecologists, of current philosophical questions, developments and ideas. In this article, we aim (...)
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    The Surprising Creativity of Digital Evolution: A Collection of Anecdotes From the Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life Research Communities.Joel Lehman, Jeff Clune, Dusan Misevic, Christoph Adami, Julie Beaulieu, Peter Bentley, Bernard J., Belson Samuel, Bryson Guillaume, M. David, Nick Cheney, Antoine Cully, Stephane Donciuex, Fred Dyer, Ellefsen C., Feldt Kai Olav, Fischer Robert, Forrest Stephan, Frénoy Stephanie, Gagneé Antoine, Goff Christian, Grabowski Leni Le, M. Laura, Babak Hodjat, Laurent Keller, Carole Knibbe, Peter Krcah, Richard Lenski, Lipson E., MacCurdy Hod, Maestre Robert, Miikkulainen Carlos, Mitri Risto, Moriarty Sara, E. David, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Anh Nguyen, Charles Ofria, Marc Parizeau, David Parsons, Robert Pennock, Punch T., F. William, Thomas Ray, Schoenauer S., Shulte Marc, Sims Eric, Stanley Karl, O. Kenneth, Fran\C. Cois Taddei, Danesh Tarapore, Simon Thibault, Westley Weimer, Richard Watson & Jason Yosinksi - 2018 - CoRR.
    Biological evolution provides a creative fount of complex and subtle adaptations, often surprising the scientists who discover them. However, because evolution is an algorithmic process that transcends the substrate in which it occurs, evolution’s creativity is not limited to nature. Indeed, many researchers in the field of digital evolution have observed their evolving algorithms and organisms subverting their intentions, exposing unrecognized bugs in their code, producing unexpected adaptations, or exhibiting outcomes uncannily convergent with ones in nature. Such stories routinely reveal (...)
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  45. "Henry Fielding and William Hogarth: The Correspondences of the Arts": P. J. De Voogd. [REVIEW]Paul Crowther - 1982 - British Journal of Aesthetics 22 (1):88.
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    An adynamical, graphical approach to quantum gravity and unification.William Mark Stuckey & Michael Silberstein - 2016 - In Ignazio Licata, Beyond peaceful coexistence: the emergence of space, time and quantum. London: Imperial College Press.
    We propose an adynamical, background independent approach to quantum gravity and unification whereby the fundamental elements of Nature are graphical units of space, time and sources. The transition amplitude for these elements of “spacetimesource” is computed using a path integral with discrete Gaussian graphical action. The unit of action for a spacetimesource element is constructed from a difference matrix K and source vector J on the graph, as in lattice gauge theory. K is constructed from graphical relations so that it (...)
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    Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics: The Cshpm 2017 Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ontario.Amy Ackerberg-Hastings, Marion W. Alexander, Zoe Ashton, Christopher Baltus, Phil Bériault, Daniel J. Curtin, Eamon Darnell, Craig Fraser, Roger Godard, William W. Hackborn, Duncan J. Melville, Valérie Lynn Therrien, Aaron Thomas-Bolduc & R. S. D. Thomas (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume contains thirteen papers that were presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics/Société canadienne d’histoire et de philosophie des mathématiques, which was held at Ryerson University in Toronto. It showcases rigorously reviewed modern scholarship on an interesting variety of topics in the history and philosophy of mathematics from Ancient Greece to the twentieth century. A series of chapters all set in the eighteenth century consider topics such as John Marsh’s techniques (...)
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    More on maps, terrains, and behaviors.R. Alexander Bentley, Michael J. O'Brien & William A. Brock - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):105-119.
    The behavioral sciences have flourished by studying how traditional and/or rational behavior has been governed throughout most of human history by relatively well-informed individual and social learning. In the online age, however, social phenomena can occur with unprecedented scale and unpredictability, and individuals have access to social connections never before possible. Similarly, behavioral scientists now have access to “big data” sets – those from Twitter and Facebook, for example – that did not exist a few years ago. Studies of human (...)
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    The Argument from Desire.William Lauinger - 2021 - In Colin Ruloff & Peter Horban, Contemporary Arguments in Natural Theology: God and Rational Belief. Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Most of us live primarily in the everyday mode, where we have ordinary thoughts and feelings that accompany our engagement in ordinary activities such as working, eating, paying bills, driving, sleeping, exercising, and shopping. Even when we are with friends and family members, most of our thoughts, feelings, and actions are of the everyday variety. However, there are certain moments, rare and ephemeral though they may be, where the everyday mode of life is unexpectedly pierced and where some kind of (...)
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  50. The Sensory Core and the Medieval Foundations of Early Modern Perceptual Theory.Gary Hatfield & William Epstein - 1979 - Isis 70 (3):363-384.
    This article seeks the origin, in the theories of Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen), Descartes, and Berkeley, of two-stage theories of spatial perception, which hold that visual perception involves both an immediate representation of the proximal stimulus in a two-dimensional ‘‘sensory core’’ and also a subsequent perception of the three dimensional world. The works of Ibn al-Haytham, Descartes, and Berkeley already frame the major theoretical options that guided visual theory into the twentieth century. The field of visual perception was the first area (...)
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